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What is Network Marketing? Is it advisable to join one? Read this

Short Answer: The future of network marketing is incredibly bright, for a number of reasons. absolutely advise joining Now.

Longer Answer: The industry publication Direct Selling News has put out their annual DSN Global 100 (DSN Celebrates the Global 100 Companies)—a list of the 100 largest direct sales/network marketing companies worldwide—every year for the few years, and this year they revealed that the top 100 alone increased from $63 billion in 2011 to $72 billion in 2012. That's a $9 billionincrease in one year. Most people would call that a clue. During the awards ceremony announcing the DSN Global 100, the keynote was from Alessandro Carlucci, the CEO of Natura (ranked #5, with sales of $3.2B in 2012), shared the following, which I think is SPOT ON: "Relationships are the foundation of our company and our business. In the end, relationships move the world; relationships move the business; relationships move people.” He concluded, “There is nothing more contemporary than direct selling, and the world is calling for us to help people, to be better leaders, to do the right thing, to transform lives, to generate economic health." Word-of-mouth, or relationship marketing, has always been the most effective means of promoting a product or service. Since the first caveman showed his buddy where to find better food, we inherently give more value to the opinions and recommendations of our trusted friends, family and, associates. And now, with the amplifying effect of social media, even the most stodgy of traditional brands are embracing the marketing power of their customers through word-of-mouth. In the States, we see ads for everything from banking to satellite TV that offer cash for referring your friends. All that to say, consumers as a whole are becoming more familiar and therefore comfortable with the idea of more proactively sharing products and services they find worthwhile with their network. So the acceptance of direct selling and network marketing is at an all-time-high. Combine that with improvements in technology everywhere from logistics and supply chain management to customer services and support, and you have network marketing companies that are performing at incredible levels. Amway for instance, one of the pioneers in our industry at over 50 years old, had sales of $11.2 billion last year. Network marketing companies are no longer fringe, or also-rans. They're being purchased by Warren Buffet, they're being invested in by Sequoia Capital, they're being publicly traded on the NASDAQ.

I believe that we are in a golden age of network marketing. And if you align yourself with the right company, after doing the proper due diligence and research of course, that the sky is the limit. Hope that helps!

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